Acupuncture is thought to have originated in China more than 2000 years ago, where it is used as one of a range of treatments provided within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). However, whilst TCM is taught in a range of medical schools in China, the very different way in looking at how the human body works can be difficult to reconcile with knowledge from modern medicine. Over the past 50 years a review of acupuncture has taken place in the Western world and the concepts now used by Western Medical Acupuncturists have adapted to place more emphasis upon our current knowledge of anatomy and physiology.
The effects of acupuncture are multi-faceted and can therefore be used in a wide range of conditions from managing musculoskeletal pain to bladder and bowel dysfunctions and even to enhancing facial tissue known as Facial Aesthetic Cosmetic Enhancement (FACE) Acupuncture!
At Parham Physiotherapy Jackie is pleased to be able to offer treatments for all these conditions (and more).
Please click the link below to find out more about the Acupuncture service we can offer.
In addition to using acupuncture to treat pain and systemic conditions, acupuncture is widely used to enhance appearance. Jackie is trained in the FACE technique which can include the use of acupuncture points within the face, to encourage blood flow to your skin, resulting in increased water and oil content. In turn this can result in localised collagen stimulation and improved skin elasticity. Further acupuncture points throughout the body and ear (auricular acupuncture) can also be used to promote general relaxation and wellbeing.
To maximise the benefit of this treatment evidence suggests that 12 treatments are taken over a 3-4 month period, however Jackie will discuss your situation to develop the correct plan for you.
If you would like further information please click the link below.