physiotherapist led pilates


“Pilates is the complete coordination of body, mind and spirit” Joseph Pilates

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a method of exercise that consists of low-impact, muscular strength and endurance movements which help to develop a good postural alignment, core strength and muscle balance.  It holds a number of key principles including breathing, concentration, control, precision and flow. 

Is Pilates suitable for me?

Everyone can benefit from integrating Pilates into their lifestyle and whether you have suffered a recent injury, more chronic pain or you just want to feel stronger, more flexible and more in tune with your body Parham Physiotherapy can develop a programme just for you. 

We run a variety of sessions to meet your individual needs including Group Matwork Classes (holding a maximum of 8 people).  Smaller groups can be taught at request and 1:1 sessions are taught using a combination of Matwork and the Reformer (your preferences can be discussed at your initial session).   

I have recently sustained an injury or have had surgery - can I still attend?

As Chartered Physiotherapists we know that sometimes modifications should be made to ensure that the exercises are being performed in a safe manner.  At Parham Physiotherapy our sessions are run by Jackie Parham who is proud to be a certified APPI Matwork Instructor and trained with the APPI in the use of the Pilates Reformer.  (Not sure what the reformer is? Check out one of our short videos on Instagram). The APPI are now recognised as the industry leader in safe and effective Pilates exercises and teach modifications of the original Pilates exercises to ensure that they can be taught to all.  This doesn’t mean that the exercises are too easy however and the higher level exercises are very similar, if not exactly the same as the classical repetoir.

How do I book?

Currently, whilst we are permitted to run our Physiotherapy led Pilates classes for those individuals who require the sessions for rehabilitation purposes, we have made the decision to stop these until the current COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.  We are however continuing to run our 1:1 sessions for rehabilitation purposes.  To ensure you get the most from your sessions we ask you to book sessions in blocks of 6.  It is preferable that you use these on a weekly basis, however we understand that life can be busy and therefore we are flexible as to when these sessions are taken. 


6 x 60 minute sessions (including both Matwork and the Reformer): £330

One-off session (including both Matwork and the Reformer): £60

Initial Pilates Assessment (prior to attendance to a Group Matwork Class) £25

Please contact us via email if you would like to discuss starting your Pilates journey with Parham Physiotherapy. We can’t wait to work with you!